Meditation on Sensing Agency

Meditation on Sensing Agency

These instructions build on this set from Shinzen Young - Do Nothing

Just sit but instead of doing anything notice that quality of mind that asks you to do stuff. You are looking for agency, intention, doing, pushes, grabs, anything that says “pay attention to me.”

Notice where … in the mind these perceptions are. What is it about a sensation that has a sense of doing-ness to it?

If you feel an itch, how do you know to scratch it? Can you trace the chain?

If you want to move, how do you know to move? Can you trace the chain?

If you want to do so-and-so practice, what sensation tells you to do the practice?

If you want to leave the cushion, what sensation tells you to leave the cushion?

If a thought occurs, what sensation says “pay attention to me?” Can you notice the chain?

Can you notice a doing, and … not do it? Really try to not do something.