Eightfold Path Wall Chart

This my fridge chart for the Buddhist Eight Fold Path. :)

The Google Doc is likely more up-to-date.

There is a eightfold-path-chart.pdf to share the full quality document.

Below is an image of it I use to copy and paste into social media apps like Discord.

v1.4 - Last edit 24-Feb-2022
© 2021. This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license

Path Has Come For my Swears

I vividly remembering "making the decision" to swear as a child as much as possible. I remember telling myself that swearing made me more accessible to others and it would help mask my brightness.

Since learning this early skill, I've gotten into arguments where I've sworn at people, done the screaming at people in traffic thing, and occasionally swore at people online.

In private, I would swear at tons of people, in my mind. I believed this was a very human thing, very normal.

I'm entering a transitory part of my enlightenment journey where path is coming for my swears.

A few years ago, I got the stop swearing dialog box after a bright sit.

You should stop swearing. Do you stop (Y/N)?

I felt that was pretty lame, so I said no. I didn't really understand the impact swearing had on me.

About a year ago the dialog box appeared again, again after a bright sit.

You should stop swearing. (Y/N)?
Yes - Press Enter to confirm.

A bit more urgent, but I pressed Esc, and moved on.

In the last few days as I've been swimming in a bath of more or less infinite joy and piti, I find that if I swear, the piti feeling ... lessens. If I even intention a swear word, the cocoon of joy pops.

So this time around I'm taking a vow to not swear. Not because anyone told me, or it's a rule, or because I want to cultivate virtue and not swearing is virtuous, but because swearing directly impacts my own happiness in real time.

I just never had the sensitivity to notice. I'm trying to stay in a place of non-stop Metta, non-stop love for myself and others and this action is now locked out to me.

Can You Be Addicted to The Jhanas - Ajahn Brahm and DN 29

 This is a partial transcript from a YouTube video by Ajahn Brahm called Seven Steps to Heaven (and One Beyond). (the link skips directly there).

There is a lot in this video besides this section, but this is a pretty important point.


Great question. 

Can you be addicted to being in the Jhanas? The answer is yes.

It's stated in the Pāsādika Sutta of the Dīgha Nikāya.

If anyone asks you monks and nuns can you be addicted to the pleasures of the jhanas ... you should answer ... yes.

... because you are telling the truth. 

Now what happens to you, if you are addicted to the pleasures of the jhanas? 

Only four things can happen to you if you are addicted to the pleasures of the jhanas: stream winning, once returning, non-returning, and full enlightenment.

This is the referenced text in DN 29


“It’s possible that wanderers of other sects might say, ‘Living devoted to these four devotions to pleasure, friends, what fruits, what rewards can be expected?’

“The wanderers of other sects saying that are to be told, ‘Living devoted to these four devotions to pleasure, friends, four fruits, four rewards can be expected. Which four?

“‘Friends, there is the case where a monk, with the wasting away of (the first) three fetters, is a stream-enterer, certain, never again destined for the lower realms, headed for self-awakening. This is the first fruit, the first reward.

“‘Further, friends, the monk—with the wasting away of (the first) three fetters, and with the attenuation of passion, aversion, & delusion—is a once-returner; who, on returning only once more to this world, will make an ending to stress. This is the second fruit, the second reward.

“‘Further, the monk—with the wasting away of the five lower fetters—is due to arise spontaneously (in the Pure Abodes), there to totally unbind, destined never again to return from that world. This is the third fruit, the third reward.

“‘Further, the monk—with the ending of effluents—enters & remains in the effluent-free awareness-release & discernment-release, having directly known & realized it for himself right in the here & now.

“‘Living devoted to these four devotions to pleasure, friends, these four fruits, these four rewards can be expected.’

When the Twitter Buddha's Battle

Twitter Buddhas
(Courtesy of Dr. Seuss)

Very well, then
Mr. Knox, sir.
Let's have a little talk
about twitter buddhas....

What do you know
about twitter buddhas?

When twitter buddhas fight,
it's called
a twitter buddha battle.
And when they
battle with the dharma,
it's a twitter
buddha dharma battle.

AND when twitter buddhas
battle with suttas using dharma,
they call it a twitter
buddha dharma sutta battle.

When buddhas battle buddhas
in a dharma sutta battle
and the buddha battle dharma
is the dharma in a jhana...
...they call this
a twitter buddha
jhana dharma
sutta battle muddle.

When buddhas
fight these battles
in a jhana
with their suttas
and the jhanas
about a poodle
and the poodle's
eating noodles...

...they call this
a muddled dharma
twitter poodle
buddha noodle
jhana sutta battle.

Now wait
Mr. Socks Fox!
When a fox is
in the jhana where
the twitter buddhas battle
with their suttas
via dharma on a
noodle-eating poodle.
THIS is what they call...

...a twitter buddha
noodle poodle jhana'd
sutta'd muddled duddled
fuddled wuddled
fox in socks, sir!

Fox in socks,
our game us done, sir.
Thank you for
a lot of fun, sir.


A polite reminder to not take any of this too seriously, I have myself engaged in many a dharma battle, I think it's a normal part of path, until it isn't :)

If you find yourself engaging in a lot of these, I suggest starting a blog.