Basic Sequence

  1. Assume it’s possible to live with less misery/despair/suffering/torment/anguish/pain/regret (suffering). It is self-compassion to desire less suffering.

  2. Using self-compassion, begin to look inward and see that your current mental-system/emotional-intelligence/mindfulness/consciousness/awareness/presence/skillset (the-mind) isn’t sufficient to currently reduce suffering to a place you’d like. Realize it’s possible some of your suffering might be caused by maladaptive stuff in the-mind.

  3. Figure out what a conceptual model of a preferred emotional system would be. “I’d like to suffer the least amount possible while being alive while in general having as much happiness and joy as possible” (serenity) as a working example. – Direct the self-compassion towards getting serenity.

  4. Looking for the exit to suffering, gain new skills and experiences with art/meditation/yoga/exercise/dance/improv/therapy/prayer/religion/psychedelics/mysticism/a-vocation/purpose1 (interior skills).

  5. Use these interior skills with the-mind to see how the balance between serenity/suffering works.

    • Notice you sometimes have serenity when doing interior skills.
    • Notice when not doing the interior skills there tends to be more suffering.
  6. Notice how the-mind can fall into suffering. Practice getting it back into serenity. Discover that the process is very cause-and-effect (dependencies).

  7. Train the-mind to default to serenity. Practice attaining and staying in serenity.

v1.4 - Last edit 25-Feb-2022
© 2022. This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0 (share and remix)

  1. Things that lead towards pleasant emotions with the least amount of harm ↩︎